
Singles Day – the antithesis of valentine’s day. Numerically they are called recurring numbers.  In the healing universe its an angel number a sign and part of synchronicities of wish fulfilment. However, you look at it with whatever perspective you want to. Sometimes even when there are serendipitous moments we choose to overlook and let them pass.

Still wrapping my head around definition of singlehood – is being emotionally unavailable being single? Not being in a labelled relationship is being single? Not being in any relationship is being single? Being celibate is being single?  The answer is - Its complicated! I am sure sociology has a more defined answer but mentally I believe everyone has been in a relationship with someone at some point. Being single is a choice but there could be numerous reasons for it – need for freedom, fear of commitment, fear of spoiling friendships, being in a relationship with your work 😊

People often dodge getting into a real relationship because they need effort, without making it look like a lot of work. There is no perfect recipe- communication, understanding, the curiosity of getting to know someone every day. You can never know a person fully; everyone has something that will surprise you. We make our selves believe that we know our partner completely over a period and the other person refrains to do something new or bring out their hidden side to avoid disappointment. Often you will hear people say at some stage of knowing each other “I want to learn xvz” and the other person says, “when did you develop interest in this?” The idea of getting bored, losing interest kills most relationships. And to avoid that effort whatever that maybe we totally avoid getting in to one. We are so tired with many on the surface dynamics that a real one seems like a lot of investment.  Hence, situationship, hook-ups, one-night stands but they all mean you are single!

I have never been single – technically maybe, figuratively never. And I am comfortable with that, there is enough love to fall in one again and again despite being heartbroken or things not working out or just with yourself. Give people a chance you never who becomes your companion!
