What Next?

Human beings are curious by nature, and I also think we get bored easily. We conquered Earth, next what we go to space, next what we send private spaceships to Mars, next what we want to set up colonies on Mars.

This kind of ‘what next’ curiosity also runs in personal lives. When I meet friends or colleagues, I often get questions like, “Oh you are in the same organization for so many years …what is next professionally?” or “You are not in a relationship or married? Haven’t thought of settling down? I was asked the same questions when I spent 5 years at my workplace and was in my late 20’s. I get the same questions when I have spent 15 years at my workplace and am in my late 30’s.

These questions used to trigger me earlier and I use to get frustrated. But over years I realized that I have no recollection of each day being the same as the next…different emotions, small wins, and many failures.

I have applauded myself for not repeating the same mistakes and I beat myself for sometimes doing it again.   Made wrong decisions and learnt to take the right one in the same situation again. Wasted money and learnt to save it. Went through one-sided relationships & friendships even though they made complete sense at that time and learnt to identify mix signals and emotional unavailability. Invested in friends who treated you like a back-up option and learnt to maintain a distance.

We all take our time to grow up and age or time is not a yard stick of any event in life. Every experience should bring out a positive virtue, make you a better person and should make you richer. Staying in different parts of India made me tolerant to diverse culture- people, food, language. Every time a stranger or friend helped it made me kinder. Listening to a range of music from old b/w movies to sufi to metal made me appreciate sounds which are an acquired taste. Watching matches in a stadium showed how a common interest can unite people. Not doing anything and enjoy my own company took a lot of time but it did, and the solitude grows on you.

Inspiration and experiences are everywhere all around you. Even if you have stayed in the same city /same colony all your life. Not everything is about seeking adventure and thrill…even routine is a choice & sometimes compulsion. There is no need to make living life an effort and task. Everyone evolves at their own pace…some evolution is survival, and some is a natural progression. No one is the same person they were yesterday including your immediate family. It’s time we stop being just a social media cool and stop wondering “What next – for you (me)?”
